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4407. I.Arditti, R.Platz : The Techniques of Violin Playing + DVD (Bärenreiter)

Including DVD
Instrument : Violin
Genre : Techniques
Language(s) of work : English, German
Product format : Book, DVD video
ISBN : 9783761822678
• I. About this book:
• I. 1. Foreword
• I. 2. Basics
• II. Techniques of Violin Playing:
• II. 1. Positions
• II. 2. Bowing
• II. 3. Vibrato
• II. 4. Pizzicato
• II. 5. Glissandi
• II. 6. Harmonics
• II. 7. Tabulature notation
• II. 8. Rhythm
• II. 9. Violin and Electronics
• III. Appendix:
• III. 1. An Epilogue
• III. 2. Thomas Ade`s: Piano Quintet
• III. 3. Violin and Viola fingering charts
• III. 4. Bibliography
• III. 5. Index
• About the authors