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2002. The Beatles Collection
CENA: 24.90 €

Hodnotenie produktu: 0/5

Nástroj: klavír
Edition No.: HL00359244
Piesne v tejto zbierke boli špeciálne upravené pre naozaj jednoduchý klavír s akordmi a textami. Každá skladba obsahuje poznámky na pozadí, ako aj praktické rady a tipy, ktoré vám pomôžu zlepšiť váš výkon.
1. |
And I Love Her (Personality: The Beatles)
2. |
All You Need Is Love (Personality: The Beatles)
3. |
Come Together (Personality: The Beatles)
4. |
Can't Buy Me Love (Personality: The Beatles)
5. |
Blackbird (Personality: The Beatles)
6. |
Day Tripper (Personality: The Beatles)
7. |
Eight Days a Week (Personality: The Beatles)
8. |
Eleanor Rigby (Personality: The Beatles)
9. |
A Hard Day's Night (Personality: The Beatles)
10. |
Hello, Goodbye (Personality: The Beatles)
11. |
Help! (Personality: The Beatles)
12. |
Here Comes the Sun (Personality: The Beatles)
13. |
Here, There and Everywhere (Personality: The Beatles)
14. |
Hey Jude (Personality: The Beatles)
15. |
I Am the Walrus (Personality: The Beatles)
16. |
I Feel Fine (Personality: The Beatles)
17. |
I Saw Her Standing There (Personality: The Beatles)
18. |
I Want to Hold Your Hand (Personality: The Beatles)
19. |
In My Life (Personality: The Beatles)
20. |
Lady Madonna (Personality: The Beatles)
21. |
Let It Be (Personality: The Beatles)
22. |
The Long and Winding Road (Personality: The Beatles)